Wednesday, July 29, 2009

If it tastes too good to be sugar free...

Greetings. Welcome to my blog. So, I'm still trying to be low carb (down 6 or 6.5 lbs since last Monday) and I stop at African Ice to get a treat. Now these places are saying they have sugar free flavorings, so I think I can partake since sugar free generally = low carb. I order a half caramel half coconut African Ice and it's incredible. Then I notice that there's a little sign that says sugar free flavors are sweetened with Agave Nectar. Damn them! That's sugar, just a different kind that supposedly doesn't have the same effects as regular sugar. Did I throw away my special treat? Uh, no. I enjoyed the whole thing-- especially after I added some cream to it once I got home. We'll see what the scales says tomorrow.
My thought for the day is "Why is my neighbor such a big, dumb, jerk?" The guy who lives across the street from me is not the best neighbor ever. I've had to go to his house and ask his daughter to turn down her crappy country music which was blaring out of their garage and could be heard all up and down the street even with doors and window closed. I've had to squeeze myself between his big, dumb, friends' ugly trucks and the mailbox so I could get my mail. Now, I can't get my mail when it arrives on certain days because he has his sprinklers come on at the same time the mail shows up. So, big, dumb neighbor sits in his garage and watches while people get drenched getting their mail because the sprinklers are on. I don't think he's even supposed to water his lawn between 11 am and 6 pm.

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