Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's my blog and I can be snide if I want to...

Several months ago I went out with a guy I met on who just happens to work where I work. After one date and a text message sent to me, but meant for someone else (in which he gushed about the great date he went on with someone who was not me), I never heard from him again. This week I ran into him twice at work (thankfully, I looked decent), I ignored him yesterday because my feet walked me away from him while my mind was telling me I knew him. Today I said "Wow, twice in one week." when I saw him. He just nodded. I really wish I'd kept his phone number in my phone because then I could have "accidentally" texted him as though I'd meant to text someone else and say "Yeah, you know that guy I went out with that works at Ingenix? I saw him and he was waaay shorter, balder and pudgier than I remember."
On an unrelated note, I will once again beg, no, plead, that if people are unable to drive and talk on the cell phone that they STOP talking on the cell phone while driving. Either they just drive erratically or they slow down (of course they're in the passing lane while this happens). It truly seems that men are more guilty of this than women. This must stop.
Thought for the day-- would "carniverous shoes" be a good band name?

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